
AirplaneIt is often forgotten that aviation also is a part of the national public transport system. With a large airport like Schiphol, aviation plays an important economic role in the Netherlands. But Schiphol runs against the limits of growth.

Moving flights elsewhere then becomes an option. But to really save fuel and the environment, the location of the airport and its hinterland are important. A new airport near Schiphol, but without its own hinterland is therefore not a good idea. Especially now some of the four other civil airports suffer losses.

Constructing massive parkings to move flights from Schiphol to the other airports is of little help because tourists and business travelers arrive without a car. On the other hand, closing the loss-making airports far from Schiphol would be a disadvantage to the residents of their hinterland.

Hence our vision connects the public transport network with the 5 airports Eelde, Schiphol, Rotterdam-The Hague, Eindhoven and Maastricht-Aachen, with eachother and their hinterland. Each airport is connected to the intercity, regional and local rail and taxi. The airline capacities can then be distributed and regional (tourist) destinations become more accessible. Heliport Den Helder will only get a connection to the ordinary rail network and taxi.

Lelystad airport is missing above because it is too close to Schiphol, in the wrong place for air routes and has no hinterland. In our vision, this airport will retain its current value for the entire Dutch aviation, namely as educational and recreational airport. However, we plan connecting the airport to local tram and taxi.

Twente airport will not be developed due to its proximity to Munster-Osnabruck airport in Germany. However, it may possibly serve as a recreational airport.